Mass General Pediatrics Residency Personal Statement

2 min readJan 12, 2021


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The Massachusetts General Hospital Pediatric Residency Program aims to train the next generation of pediatricians to practice innovative. evidence-based multidisciplinary medicine.

These sample Pediatrics residency personal statements are here for your viewing pleasure (fully anonymous). We’re hoping to add more in the future. including Pre-Med personal statements. If you’ve got one to add to the free library. don’t forget to

One of the main personal qualities that this expert possesses is that Conrad handles orders as if he is the person who is applying for the residency. He puts himself in customers’ shoes. trying to identify what the committee would like to see in admission documents. Aside from …

Personal Statement Example — Pediatric Residency. by Ben Frederick MD | Jun 6. 2013 | Personal Statement Examples. Residency | 0 comments. Pediatric Residency Saint Louis University medical student 535 words. Pediatrics is all encompassing. It is a field whose definition of quality care expands beyond office visits and parental counseling. to a career focused on patient advocacy. Pediatrics . . .

PEDIATRICS RESIDENCY PERSONAL STATEMENT #2 The most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever done is being a father. Completing medical school while balancing my studies and my family life is a very close second. Having taken the non-traditional route into a career in medicine. I have faced many challenges that I otherwise would never have . . .

Harvard University: the Massachusetts General Hospital for Children provides the ideal place to learn everything you will need within your chosen field. University of Pennsylvania: the Perelman school of medicine is currently ranked at number one by the US. News for its pediatrics residency. University of Cincinnati: the Cincinnati children’s hospital is one of the biggest in the nation and . . .

The Pediatric Residency Program trains future leaders in the art and science of comprehensive pediatric practice. with a focus on expertise in evidenced-based primary care. multidisciplinary care of an extraordinarily diverse patient population. and early. individualized autonomy under the guidance of a collegial. dedicated teaching faculty.

From looking online. it seems personal statements should include some combination of (1) why pediatrics (2) what you’re looking for in a residency program (3) what you’re long term goals are. I drafted a PS based on this. and it talks about these things but I don’t talk about things in my CV (like extracurriculars. jobs. etc).

Residency Personal Statement Examples — #3: Surgery I was six years old when my father read to me the first chapter of “How Things Work. ” The first chapter covered doors and specifically. the mechanics in a doorknob. What lay hidden and confined in the door panel was this complex system that produced a simple action.




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